Brownfield Consulting
Brownfield Redevelopment
The most critical part of brownfield redevelopment is integration of civil engineering and construction elements with assessment and remediation. This must be done in such a way as to maximize the reuse of the property while providing protection of human health and the environment.
LRC Construction's team can assist you with all facets of your brownfield project, overcoming any obstacles while partnering with all stakeholders and entities involved.
Providing the Tools for Successful Redevelopment
Treated as a distinct discipline to provide you with a spectrum of services for all phases, brownfield redevelopment has evolved over time at LRC to become a core business practice. We have guided both public and private clients through site challenges by providing environmental assessment, remediation design, grant writing, and program management while successfully integrating those services with our site civil design, planning, and traffic engineering services.
Each team member has the considerable experience with the BCP process necessary to achieve the goal of maximizing the benefit while maintaining an efficient operation. We envision a sequence of the Oversight Plan as follows:
A. Pre-Remediation:
1. Consultants: We will work with the client and Brownfield Tax Attorneys, Surveyor and Engineer on the assembly of documents to insure that extent of subsurface investigation and subsequently, that site and work scope descriptions focus on data that provides a basis for maximizing the benefits of the program. We will work with the client on the preparation and implementation of the following documents:
a. Brownfield Clean-up Program Application
b. Brownfield Clean-up Agreement
c. Remedial Investigation Work Plan
d. Remedial Investigation Report
e. Remedial Action Work Plan
f. Contaminated soil grids
2. Contractors: We will provide scopes of work and schedule for each of the following trades while coordinating a construction logistics plan for implementing the work in a BCP compliant and efficient manner.
a. Excavation
b. Rock removal
c. De-watering
d. Support of Excavation
e. Trucking and Disposal options
f. Waterproofing
g. Concrete cap
3. Reporting: We will provide review and oversight of the Engineering reports on the status of each of the items listed above and will attend regular conference call update meetings with professionals so as to maintain a free flow of information.
B. Remediation:
1. Consultants: We will work in conjunction with and as requested by the Client's team to oversee the following:
a. Project oversight professional certification of all remedial activities.
b. Project safety and health monitoring.
c. Field sampling and associated laboratory testing.
d. Waste characterization process and coordination with soil trucking and disposal contractor and receiving facility.
e. Requisite reporting to the NYSDEC.
f. Participation in Project update conferences with the NYSDEC staff.
2. Contractors: We will assist in oversight and tracking of the activities and progress, contract compliance, environmental and public health compliance as well as soil and waste material manifests as performed by the following:
a. Excavation contractor
b. Trucking and disposal contractor
c. Concrete contractor
d. Waterproofing contractor
3. Reporting: We will provide review and oversight of weekly written reports by the Engineers on the status of each of the items listed above and notify immediately if any condition encountered alters the anticipated process in anyway. We will coordinate regular conference call update meetings with professionals and contractors so as to maintain a free flow of information.
C. Post Remediation:
1. Consultants: We will carefully review and work with the Engineer, Environmental and Tax Attorneys and Surveyor toward the timely completion of comprehensive documents to achieve a Certificate of Completion (COC) approval from the NYSDEC for the subject premises toward a proper BCP benefit. Depending upon the final clean-up "track" these documents will include:
a. Final Engineer's Report (FER) for all tracks.
b. Site Management Plan (SMP) for conditional Track 1 or Tracks 2 and 4.
c. Environmental Easement for conditional Track 1 or Tracks 2 and 4.
2. Reporting: Through the issuance of the COC by the NYSDEC, we will assist on oversight written reports by the Client's Engineers on the status of each of the items listed above and notify immediately if any condition encountered alters the anticipated process in anyway. We will be available for regular conference call update meetings with professionals and contractors so as to maintain a free flow of information. And we will participate in project update conferences with the NYSDEC staff, if requested.
3. Tax & Finance Support: With extensive experience in dealings with the NYS Department of Tax and Finance regarding projects in the BCP, we can assist your Accountants and Tax Attorney with a submission as well as assistance in the audit process, if requested by the Client.